Thursday, December 18, 2008
Rotarians and Rotaractors of Malindi pay a visit to the Children ward at the Malindi District Hospital
The children ward was decorated and small gifts, milk, and biscuits were given to the children.
After decorating the Christmas tree, Rotarians, rotaractors, visiting guests, parents and children were singing together Christmas songs.
The children were very exited and even the very sick enjoyed the event very much.
Thanks to all the rotarians, rotaractors and friends of rotary for attending function.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday 26th November at Jardin Lorna "information dinner"
Payment for food 600 Kes pp – pleas register and pay with Rtn Heidi at the entrance.
Information Dinner
Jardin Lorna
Time : 19:30
Start entertainment – several artist
Welcome drinks
Snacks served on the tables ( vegetarian – Indian )
Start meeting by president with prayer and toast.
Every Rtn to introduce him – her selves by :
Activity in Rot. Club
All guest to introduce themselves ;
President Erick to brief something about his position as a president and what is Rotary is about . ( Max 3 minutes )
Kioko to say something about study bursary . ( 1 min)
Marietta to speak about current projects in Rotary ( 3 min )
Noordin to explain about Sergeant at arms – contribution and where the normal meetings take place. ( 2 min)
Nicola to speak something about PR – website and tell guests and Rotarians how they can see the dvd he just made for DG ( let it be present during the meeting ) ( 2 min )
Mustafa to brief people about the fact that there are several comities with Rotary club and which one there are – just name them is enough. ( 3 min)
Umesh to read the 4 way test .
Ria – to tell something about : how to continue from this information dinner to induction. ( 1 min )
President to ask if guest are having questions so far.
.20: 30 ( latest ) Start dinner ( Both vegetarian and meat available )
21:00 Closing of the information dinner with the toast by Pres Erick !
Monday, November 17, 2008
The laboratory in Langobaya is almost ready!
DG coast clubs joint party
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pictures from Langobaya and Malanga
here you can see two pictures that Rtn Mustafa took at the secondary school of Langobaya, were we are building two classrooms and a laboratory, and at the nursery school of Malanga (the finished one.. isn't it very nice?)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The speech of the IPP Nicola Biscardi
Nevertheless during the past year the club was able to do many different projects for the community.
These were very well explained by the speech of the President of the club for the year 2007-2008 Rtn Nicola Biscardi, during the installation evening last Saturday.
"Good evening Rotarians & Friends of Rotary.
I believe that everybody here is a good friend of Rotary, but I would like to say few words about this wonderful organization for the small number of you that may not exactly know what Rotary is.
Rotary international is a world wide organization with 31,000 clubs in more than 165 countries. Rotarians all over the world are coming together to help the less fortunate in their communities.
Rotary club members are business and professional leaders who volunteers in their communities and promote world understanding and peace.
Rotary Club of Malindi is part of this big network and in the year 2006/2007 got assistance from Rotary International for 3 Matching Grants.
Matching Grants are a joint projects between two Rotary Clubs in the world and the Rotary international, that give his support to the project through the Rotary Foundation.
The host partner Rotary Club is the Club that being in the community were the project is held will follow the project up to his complete end, while the International Partner Rotary Club is a club that can be everywhere in the world, and is a sponsor club.
In the Rotary year 2007/2008 Rotary Club of Malindi could establish the following projects.
Snake-bite MG.
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Maitland Sunrise in Australia and RC of Malindi.
With the help of the DMOH Doctor. Anisa A. Omar, some medical personnels from Malindi and Kitui District were trained on snake bites first aid, by the James Ashe Antivenom Trust.
Anti Venom was bought through James Ashe Antivenom Trust and they have been responsible for the distribution to the Health Facilities in Malindi and Kitui.
Equipment the operating theater of Maria Teresa Nuzzo Health Centre, Mpeketoni
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Malta, RC of Malindi.
To equip the operating theater of Maria Teresa Nuzzo Health Centre of Mpeketoni in Lamu District and make it fully functional.
Equipments for the maternity Ward in Kipini MG.
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Fiesole in Italy, RC of Malindi and the collaboration of AFRICA PROJECT Onlus Malindi.
This MG has delayed us a little, because getting the equipments out of the harbor was not an easy task. The equipments are now at AFRICA PROJECT Onlus in Malindi and they will be brought to Kipini this month.
Other Projects:
We had a project for distributing 280 wheelchairs to the needy people of our community (started in 2006).
This was a joint project of RC Malindi and the Wheel chair foundation through our Rotarian friend Giulio Bargellini of RC Cento, Italy.
The DMOH Doctor. Anisa A. Omar together with Vicky Sande, physiotherapist at the district Hospital of Malindi, were of big help in distributing the chairs to the needy people.
We also have given some of these wheelchairs to the Rainbow orphanage and to the school for the disabled in Gede as well to other schools.
In August 2007, RC Malindi has given Mosquito nets to the district hospital. The funds for this project were solicited by Rtn Alfredo Vismara (Rotarian of our club from Italy). (He was the one that has also established the Judo Club in Malindi and Watamu)
Thanks to our Rotarians Raffaele Feola and Mustafa Kassamali, we have this year renovated water tanks and machine pumps of the water system in Karembeni and Kizingo.
I can not forget our annual Christmas visit to the District Hospital in Malindi.
Every Christmas the Rotarians of Malindi are going to the wards to give small gifts and a happy time to the patients. Visiting Rotarians are always happy to join us during this event. (this has become a real tradition of RC Malindi)
Through the help of our Rotarian friend Dombros Apostolos from RC Dionisos in Greece, we completed several community projects during the last Rotary year:
Our Rtn Kioko was busy assisting our friend Apostolos to make these projects a success.
Together we built a Nursery School in Mamboromokoni and later on a water pipe line was established up to the School and eventually a water kiosk was built.
In April 2008 a water well was dug in Mpirani and given to the community. It was dug in loving memory of Kostas, the late son of Ingrid and Apostolos Dombros.
The RC Dionisos in Greece is also sponsoring several students from our community in the Secondary School.
Rotary Club of Malindi is a big friend of "Blessed Generation Children Centre" orphanage.
We visited the children several times. The centre is run by our Rtn Ria Fennema and Fester Mendendorp.
Our Rtn Ria and Fester are soliciting for funds in Holland. This is not the only orphanage which was set up by them.
Ria and Fester, in fact, have recently set up a new orphanage for the displaced children in Nyamira. But they will brief us later about this.
The latest and ongoing projects that RC Malindi started are 2 classrooms and a laboratory at Maji Secondary School in Langobaya, the rehabilitation of the primary school still in Langobaya and a Nursery School in Malanga.
These are funded by RC of Como in Italy and by Karibuni onlus and friends.
This projects will be finished in August this year and they are followed by our Rtn Mustafa.
So you can now understand were is the power of Rotary: Rotary is able to make many projects trough the help of the clubs that are spread in a worldwide network of clubs! All the money rose up by Rotary are used in the projects, there is no waste of money!
Friends of Rotary and Rotarians themselves give their time for free to make a project a success, and this is the best assurance that the money are always well used.
This is well explained in the Rotary Motto: SERVE ABOVE SELF
Let me now introduce you the Rotarians of RC of Malindi that made whatever I have told you up to now possible. Please Rotarians stand up. (Introduce the Rotarians)
Let me now introduce you the new President of RC Malindi for the year 2008-2009: Rtn Eric Mwashighadi.
Name Eric Msagha Mwashighadi
Date of Bith. 26th March 1959
Educated in Nairobi from Primary to Secondary school
Did Diploma in Co-operative management at Co-operative college.
Joined Government Training Institute in 1985 and did CPA
Joined Hemingways Hotel in 1988 until 2004 when he retired.
Joined Ocean Sports Hotel in 2006 to date.
Married to Valerie Wawuda MSagha and has been blessed with two Boys"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Rotary year 2008-2009
The evening was a great success, and almost 80,000Ksh were raised up for the new orphanage for the displaced children in Nyamira.
But the evening was even a lot of fun, and the venue was great! Only a little bit windy maybe ;-)
Thank you to all the people that attended and had fun together with us, but specially a BIG thank for your great generosity.
Thanks to Ocean Sport Hotel Watamu, Bar Bar Malindi, and Multi RACO Malindi.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Installation evening of the new president of the club Mr Eric Mwashighadi and the new board

The installation evening of the new president of the club Rtn. Eric
Mwashighadi and the new board will be held in Ocean Sport Hotel,
Watamu on 19th July 2008 at 8.00pm.
In the same occasion will be inducted new rotarians of the club.
Ocean sports has given Rotarians a special rates of kshs. 3,800/= per
night per room sharing a single rate of 2,400/= this is inclusive of a
continental breakfast. The are asking for 40% deposit to confirm the
booking because of the rate and will only be given to Rotarians from
Mombasa and Nairobi during that weekend.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Rotary Medical Activity
Roche Pharmaceuticals has offered to host Rotarians and their spouses on:
Day & Date: Saturday 1st March 2008.
Time: From at 6.30pm onwards.
Venue: The Kenya Medical Association Auditorium at The Pandya Memorial Hospital.
Their interest is to deliver a talk on the following subjects:
* Obesity.
* Osteoporosis.
* Hepatitis B.
They have offered to carry out for free on a voluntary basis:
* Calculation of BMI from height and weight to determine ideal weight.
* Bone density scoring sheet questionnaire to determine Osteoporosis.
* Collection of blood sample to test for Hepatitis B & C.
The suggested Programme for the day is:
1. 6.30pm to 7.00pm Arrival and fellowship.
2. 7.00pm to 8.00pm Registration, height, weight, questionnaire and blood collection.
3. 8.00pm to 8.15pm Hepatitis B "the silent killer"
Presented by Dr. Kiran Shah, Consultant Gastroenterologist.
4. 8.15pm to 8.30pm Obesity a major health risk
Presented by Christine Mutea, Consultant Nutritionist.
5. 8.30pm to 8.40pm Osteoporosis
Presented by Mr. Peter Munyasi, Medical Representative, Roche
6. 8.40pm to 9.00pm Rotary Century of Peace to mark World Understanding & Peace
Presented by PE Jacqueline Waihenya-Maina
& PDG Varinder Singh Sur.
7. 9.30pm Buffet Dinner – Courtesy of Roche Products Ltd.
The above event is open to:
All Rotarians and their spouses.
All Innerwheel members and their spouses.
Club Presidents please confirm the numbers by Wednesday 27th February 2008 by 2.00pm.
With kind regards
PDG Dr. Varinder Singh Sur
Mr. Peter Munyasi
Monday, January 14, 2008
Help for Kenyans displaced people
Fellow Rotarians
Following a meeting of the Coast Rotary Disaster Relief Committee on Thurday 19th Jan the following positive changes have been noted.
- That many of the centres accommodating displaced persons have received more than enough foodstuff.
- That many of the families are now looking to go back to their homes and a substantial number have started moving back.
- The government is also providing food rations.
- Adequate medical care is being provided.
As a result the Disaster committee is now focusing on rehabilitation of the displaced persons rather than providing relief. The detailed rehabilitation program will be advised after the Committee's meeting on Monday 14th January, 2008.
Therefore Rotarians are encouraged to lay more focus on providing bed sheets, mattresses and other items that can enable the displaced persons reconstruct their normal lives.
Cash donations should continue to be made at the Rotary Club of Mombasa Account at Habib Bank.
The Committee has decided to postpone the function of Sunday 13th January, 2008 to a later date so as to provide more time to Rotarians to make their donations. Donated items are still being collected at the Chini Club.
AG Caroline
AG Dominic
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Rotary Disaster Relief-Fund
Recent events in our country need no introduction. We have all seen the wanton killings and destruction and looting of property. This has resulted in over 200,000 displaced persons in different parts of the country. The origins of this unrest are various and the remedies suggested diverse. We as Rotarians can in the spirit of this year's theme 'Rotary Shares', share some of what we have with those in our midst who have been most affected by the mayhem.
We have set up a disaster relief committee through which we shall coordinate the Rotary efforts in the Coast for maximum effect. We shall be working closely with the Red Cross. Similar committees have been set up in Nairobi and other parts of the District.
We have identified over 1,500 displaced persons at the Coast in the following areas:
* Holy Ghost Catholic Cathedral(Nkrumah Road)
* Makupa Hospital
* Dog Section Police Post –on the way to Mishomoroni
* Likoni Consolata Catholic Church
* Bomu Catholic Church (near Airport)
The displaced persons have the following needs:
* Maize meal
* Rice
* Beans
* Cooking oil
* Powdered milk/Long life milk
* Water
* Sugar
* High energy supplementary biscuits
* Bed sheets
* Clothes
* Shoes
* Sanitary items
They also require medical assistance particularly at Dog Section and Likoni Consolata Catholic Church
Other areas of need which have been severely hit by the transport crisis and hiked food prices are: Coast General Hospital, orphanages and old people's Homes. They need our help too.
As Rotarians we hope to intervene in the short term by:
* Donating foodstuffs and provisions
* Solicit for contributions in cash and kind from our partners and well wishers
* Provide medical assistance
We appeal to all Rotarians to generously contribute. Club Presidents are requested to appeal to well wishers, Rotaractors and Rotarians to fundraise for this worthy cause. Let us all assist the innocent children, men and women living out in the cold.
Mombasa Club (Chini Club) has agreed to provide a room which shall serve as a collection point. Please mark all the items collected and deposit at the Mombasa Club (Chini Club). Cash contributions can be made to a Disaster Relief Fund details of which will be advised shortly.
We intend to contribute whatever has been collected, on Sunday 13th January, 2008 in line with our fellow Rotarians' activities in other parts of the country. Please try and have your contributions at Chini Club on Saturday 12th. Details of the Sunday program will be communicated on Thursday this week.
However please note that due to the ongoing need we shall make further contributions at a later stage.
Please contribute generously
Thank you and best wishes
Yours in Rotary
Rotary Assistant Governors (coast)
AG Caroline N. Katisya
AG Dominic Mureithi
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Disaster Relief Meeting
I request you to attend a short meeting:
Venue: My Clinic, Oriental Building, Nkrumah Road.
Day & Date: Monday 7th January 2008.
Time: 1.00 pm sharp.
Agenda: Disaster Relief Action Plan.
PDG Varinder Singh Sur
DRFC District 9200.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Message from the DG Chris Mutalya
It is a Happy New Year, but not for many people in Kenya.
It is sad to note that the recently concluded election in Kenya have resulted into post-election
violence of unprecedented dimensions.
I therefore would like to make a special appeal and request for assistance to the thousands of
displaced Kenyans across the Country as a result of the on-going post election violence countrywide.
Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans especially the vulnerable women and children have been
displaced and are lacking basic necessities such as food, water, clothing and shelter. Some of the
worst hit areas are the Slums in Mathare and Kibera areas in Nairobi and other major cities. Am
making a passionate appeal to Rotarians and friends of Rotary to come out and lend a hand; and
reach out and share what we have in the true spirit of Service Above Self; and demonstrate that
"Rotary Shares" and we care for our fellow brothers and sisters now in dare need of our helping
I am aware that the Rotarian in Nairobi have started on this effort under the leadership of DGE
Kaushik Manek. The appeal includes essential items like Maize Flour, Sugar, Water, Salt, Blankets, etc.,
and cash donations are also welcome and will be used to purchase these and any other essential
Please contact or forward your contribution/support to the following Rotarians:
Rtn. Robert Kinyua +254 722 707378, e-mail:,
DGE Kaushik Manek +254 722 511445, e-mail: ,
PAG Bimal Kantaria +254 733 625557, e-mail:,
Fellow Rotarians, lets stand up to be counted, lets "Lend a Hand" and assist those in need and let us
"Lead The Way" to reconciliation in the troubled communities of Kenya because "Rotary Shares".
All the best,
Chris Mutalya
Happy new year to all!
I would like to extend a special message of hope and request for assistance to the thousands of displaced Kenyans across the Country as a result of the current post election violence.
Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans especially the vulnerable women and children have been displaced and are lacking basic necessities such as food, water and clothing. Some of the worst hit areas are the Slums in Mathare and Kibera areas in Nairobi and I would like to send out a passionate appeal to Rotarians to come out in the true spirit of Service Above Self in aid of our fellow brothers and sisters.
Rtn Robert Kinyua has kindly offered Parklands Sports Club to be used as a common drop off point for anyone who has a donation of any kind. The immediate items required include:
Maize Flour
Cash donations will also be accepted and will be used to purchase these essential items.
For directions to Parklands Sports Club or any other information please feel free to contact the following:
Rtn Robert Kinyua 0722 707378
DGE Kaushik Manek 0722 511445
PAG Bimal Kantaria 0733 625557
Lets all pull together and through Rotary bring back hope to the lives of thousands of suffering Kenyans.
Best regards and God Bless,
DGE Kaushik Manek