here you can see two pictures that Rtn Mustafa took at the secondary school of Langobaya, were we are building two classrooms and a laboratory, and at the nursery school of Malanga (the finished one.. isn't it very nice?)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pictures from Langobaya and Malanga
here you can see two pictures that Rtn Mustafa took at the secondary school of Langobaya, were we are building two classrooms and a laboratory, and at the nursery school of Malanga (the finished one.. isn't it very nice?)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The speech of the IPP Nicola Biscardi
Nevertheless during the past year the club was able to do many different projects for the community.
These were very well explained by the speech of the President of the club for the year 2007-2008 Rtn Nicola Biscardi, during the installation evening last Saturday.
"Good evening Rotarians & Friends of Rotary.
I believe that everybody here is a good friend of Rotary, but I would like to say few words about this wonderful organization for the small number of you that may not exactly know what Rotary is.
Rotary international is a world wide organization with 31,000 clubs in more than 165 countries. Rotarians all over the world are coming together to help the less fortunate in their communities.
Rotary club members are business and professional leaders who volunteers in their communities and promote world understanding and peace.
Rotary Club of Malindi is part of this big network and in the year 2006/2007 got assistance from Rotary International for 3 Matching Grants.
Matching Grants are a joint projects between two Rotary Clubs in the world and the Rotary international, that give his support to the project through the Rotary Foundation.
The host partner Rotary Club is the Club that being in the community were the project is held will follow the project up to his complete end, while the International Partner Rotary Club is a club that can be everywhere in the world, and is a sponsor club.
In the Rotary year 2007/2008 Rotary Club of Malindi could establish the following projects.
Snake-bite MG.
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Maitland Sunrise in Australia and RC of Malindi.
With the help of the DMOH Doctor. Anisa A. Omar, some medical personnels from Malindi and Kitui District were trained on snake bites first aid, by the James Ashe Antivenom Trust.
Anti Venom was bought through James Ashe Antivenom Trust and they have been responsible for the distribution to the Health Facilities in Malindi and Kitui.
Equipment the operating theater of Maria Teresa Nuzzo Health Centre, Mpeketoni
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Malta, RC of Malindi.
To equip the operating theater of Maria Teresa Nuzzo Health Centre of Mpeketoni in Lamu District and make it fully functional.
Equipments for the maternity Ward in Kipini MG.
This was a MG between Rotary International, RC Fiesole in Italy, RC of Malindi and the collaboration of AFRICA PROJECT Onlus Malindi.
This MG has delayed us a little, because getting the equipments out of the harbor was not an easy task. The equipments are now at AFRICA PROJECT Onlus in Malindi and they will be brought to Kipini this month.
Other Projects:
We had a project for distributing 280 wheelchairs to the needy people of our community (started in 2006).
This was a joint project of RC Malindi and the Wheel chair foundation through our Rotarian friend Giulio Bargellini of RC Cento, Italy.
The DMOH Doctor. Anisa A. Omar together with Vicky Sande, physiotherapist at the district Hospital of Malindi, were of big help in distributing the chairs to the needy people.
We also have given some of these wheelchairs to the Rainbow orphanage and to the school for the disabled in Gede as well to other schools.
In August 2007, RC Malindi has given Mosquito nets to the district hospital. The funds for this project were solicited by Rtn Alfredo Vismara (Rotarian of our club from Italy). (He was the one that has also established the Judo Club in Malindi and Watamu)
Thanks to our Rotarians Raffaele Feola and Mustafa Kassamali, we have this year renovated water tanks and machine pumps of the water system in Karembeni and Kizingo.
I can not forget our annual Christmas visit to the District Hospital in Malindi.
Every Christmas the Rotarians of Malindi are going to the wards to give small gifts and a happy time to the patients. Visiting Rotarians are always happy to join us during this event. (this has become a real tradition of RC Malindi)
Through the help of our Rotarian friend Dombros Apostolos from RC Dionisos in Greece, we completed several community projects during the last Rotary year:
Our Rtn Kioko was busy assisting our friend Apostolos to make these projects a success.
Together we built a Nursery School in Mamboromokoni and later on a water pipe line was established up to the School and eventually a water kiosk was built.
In April 2008 a water well was dug in Mpirani and given to the community. It was dug in loving memory of Kostas, the late son of Ingrid and Apostolos Dombros.
The RC Dionisos in Greece is also sponsoring several students from our community in the Secondary School.
Rotary Club of Malindi is a big friend of "Blessed Generation Children Centre" orphanage.
We visited the children several times. The centre is run by our Rtn Ria Fennema and Fester Mendendorp.
Our Rtn Ria and Fester are soliciting for funds in Holland. This is not the only orphanage which was set up by them.
Ria and Fester, in fact, have recently set up a new orphanage for the displaced children in Nyamira. But they will brief us later about this.
The latest and ongoing projects that RC Malindi started are 2 classrooms and a laboratory at Maji Secondary School in Langobaya, the rehabilitation of the primary school still in Langobaya and a Nursery School in Malanga.
These are funded by RC of Como in Italy and by Karibuni onlus and friends.
This projects will be finished in August this year and they are followed by our Rtn Mustafa.
So you can now understand were is the power of Rotary: Rotary is able to make many projects trough the help of the clubs that are spread in a worldwide network of clubs! All the money rose up by Rotary are used in the projects, there is no waste of money!
Friends of Rotary and Rotarians themselves give their time for free to make a project a success, and this is the best assurance that the money are always well used.
This is well explained in the Rotary Motto: SERVE ABOVE SELF
Let me now introduce you the Rotarians of RC of Malindi that made whatever I have told you up to now possible. Please Rotarians stand up. (Introduce the Rotarians)
Let me now introduce you the new President of RC Malindi for the year 2008-2009: Rtn Eric Mwashighadi.
Name Eric Msagha Mwashighadi
Date of Bith. 26th March 1959
Educated in Nairobi from Primary to Secondary school
Did Diploma in Co-operative management at Co-operative college.
Joined Government Training Institute in 1985 and did CPA
Joined Hemingways Hotel in 1988 until 2004 when he retired.
Joined Ocean Sports Hotel in 2006 to date.
Married to Valerie Wawuda MSagha and has been blessed with two Boys"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Rotary year 2008-2009
The evening was a great success, and almost 80,000Ksh were raised up for the new orphanage for the displaced children in Nyamira.
But the evening was even a lot of fun, and the venue was great! Only a little bit windy maybe ;-)
Thank you to all the people that attended and had fun together with us, but specially a BIG thank for your great generosity.
Thanks to Ocean Sport Hotel Watamu, Bar Bar Malindi, and Multi RACO Malindi.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Installation evening of the new president of the club Mr Eric Mwashighadi and the new board

The installation evening of the new president of the club Rtn. Eric
Mwashighadi and the new board will be held in Ocean Sport Hotel,
Watamu on 19th July 2008 at 8.00pm.
In the same occasion will be inducted new rotarians of the club.
Ocean sports has given Rotarians a special rates of kshs. 3,800/= per
night per room sharing a single rate of 2,400/= this is inclusive of a
continental breakfast. The are asking for 40% deposit to confirm the
booking because of the rate and will only be given to Rotarians from
Mombasa and Nairobi during that weekend.