Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Fellow Rotarians,
Happy new year to all!
I would like to extend a special message of hope and request for assistance to the thousands of displaced Kenyans across the Country as a result of the current post election violence.
Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans especially the vulnerable women and children have been displaced and are lacking basic necessities such as food, water and clothing. Some of the worst hit areas are the Slums in Mathare and Kibera areas in Nairobi and I would like to send out a passionate appeal to Rotarians to come out in the true spirit of Service Above Self in aid of our fellow brothers and sisters.
Rtn Robert Kinyua has kindly offered Parklands Sports Club to be used as a common drop off point for anyone who has a donation of any kind. The immediate items required include:
Maize Flour
Cash donations will also be accepted and will be used to purchase these essential items.
For directions to Parklands Sports Club or any other information please feel free to contact the following:
Rtn Robert Kinyua               0722 707378              
DGE Kaushik Manek          0722 511445
PAG Bimal Kantaria           0733 625557
Lets all pull together and through Rotary bring back hope to the lives of thousands of suffering Kenyans.
Best regards and God Bless,
DGE Kaushik Manek

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