Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Jiggers Project

With the assistance of Rotarians in Malindi, the rotaracts in Malindi were in Magarini to confront the jiggers menace. Over 100 patients who could not even walk due to the jiggers benefited immensely from this benevolence.

There are estimated 400 people infested with jiggers in Magarini. Some have dropped out of school due to the jiggers. Some are bed ridden due to the Jiggers.

Jiggers are parasitic fleas that lodge in susceptible individuals skin and rapidly multiply as they affect other body parts. Causing itchy sores as they burrow into tissues-eating up surrounding tissues. Severe cases loose fingers and toes.This predisposes to severe skin infections and sometimes death if not treated.

You can support this ongoing projects by contributing through the Rotary club of Malindi. It costs about 25 USD to treat one jigger patient fully.

The Munyonyo Conference

Malindi rotarians are so excited about the 86th conference in Munyonyo this month.

The Marathon

The Rotary club of Malindi is organising for a Marathon this August in aid of Polio plus and Education of bright and needy students in Malindi.

Registration for all races will be kshs1,000/-

Categories will be:
full marathon
Half Marathon
The 10km road race
The 5 Km road race.

Watch this space for more updates.